Delete all facebook messages in one click

Assalam-0-Alaikum all my viewers.
. I hope you are fine..
Now today i am back with new and latest facebook trick this facebook tricks about how to delete all messages in one click..
I also use this tricks because every person text me and ask me about facebook related something..

This tricks give you Easy to delete all facebook messages in single click. So follow some step and get this trick..

How to delete All facebook messages in single click..

Step 1:-

1. Open Google Chrome then go to Web Store and search for Facebook – Delete All Messages named Extension.

It is also Available for Mozilla Firefox.

Step 2:-

2. Then click on that Extension and Hit Add to Chrome Button.

It will be added & its icon will appear on topd right corner of your browser.

Step 3 :-

3. Now login your Facebook Account.

Step 4 :-

4. Now click on Messages or open your Inbox.

Step 5 :-

5. Now click on that icon in the top right corner.

Step 6 :-

6. After clicking it a Notification bar comes up Where you again click Launch.

It will show you a popup confirmation that you really want to Delete all Facebook Messages.

Step 7 :-

7. Click OK and in few Seconds you see that your all Inbox Message are Deleted.